2021 Raw Honey Information

2021 Raw Honey Information

We haven't done an informational post in quite some time, but with honey rolling in and being spun out -- here is some great information help you get started ordering your honey from Our Bright Acres! The 2021 Honey Weekend...

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Busy humans

Busy humans

Well, us humans have been busy with other things besides posting articles on the ways of the bees. This weekend it will already be time to spin out the season's honey and you can easily reserve some by placing...

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Summer bees and splits

Summer bees and splits

Read on if you are interested in some details on how our honeybee colonies fared this season. With beekeeping, there is always a bit of a cycle - ups and downs, good years, and not-so-good years. If I compare this...

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Extraction Day Recap

Extraction Day Recap

August 19 was Honey Day this year - the day we spin out the main chunk of honey. We did some earlier quick posts on FB of harvesting the honey from the hives, which is a different sort of...

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Natural Comb Honey

Natural Comb Honey

Every year we like to try some new things with our bees and honey. One of the things we tried this year is a single 'super' with Hogg Halfcomb cassettes in it. Let me try to break down what...

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A walk through the yard

A walk through the yard

The past few days I have enjoyed strolling through the yard and noticing all the honey bee activity, along with other insects. We have a lot of white dutch clover in our yard, and besides the raspberries, there isn't...

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Colony vs. Mouse?

Colony vs. Mouse?

The featured image here of the partially consumed mouse was from back on April 22. We were going through the colonies that survived the winter and removing boxes that they did not need anymore (because they ate through them...

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The Long Winter

The Long Winter

2018 will go down in the books as one of the longer winters I think. We never had an extraordinary amount of snow accumulation, but winter has been hard pressed to let us go. The picture above was taken...

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Honey House Under Construction

Honey House Under Construction

A major project that Carl's dad has undertaken over the winter months is the construction of a large multi-purpose room as an addition to their house in NE Iowa. This space will be used as a heated workshop for...

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End-of-year wrap-up

End-of-year wrap-up

We have a lot to be thankful for as we look back on 2018. It amazes me how quickly it has drawn to a close. Below you will find some miscellaneous updates on the bees and our honey business. How...

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